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Mod description


Fireforged Empire (previously Judex - Rex) - global historical modification, is developed with the support of the Поздняя Римская Империя (Late Roman Empire) website. Fireforged Empire is a complete overhaul of Total War Attila in order to recreate the most historical simulation of the world of the Late Antiquity period, specifically the beginning of the Migration Period in the second half of the 4th century AD, based on manuscripts, archaeology and other historical documents. Our approach to the creation of the modification is scrupulous, based on historical sources, with references to them in the description of the game and on our website. Added new rosters of units for all game factions, new hardcore historical campaign, various new gameplay features, scripted events and much more!

Brief overview of the mod:
- Campaign with a historical map of location of factions, armies and invasions of tribes of the current period (the beginning of the campaign - 367 AD);
- Military units, created on the foundation of the Notitia Dignitatum and other historical sources;
- 3D models of units, their weapons and equipment created on the basis of archaeology, historical data and reconstruction;
- New game factions are added: Venedi and Antes (game DLC is not required), Armenia, British-Gallic Roman Empire;
- Fifteen new non-playable factions have been added: Aestii, Attacoti, Aorsi, Absilae, Blemmyes, Carpi, Eluri, Varini, Sciri, Akatziri, Saraceni (playable with DLC), Bagaudae, Junior huns, Average huns, Iranian huns;
- The names of the starting characters of all factions are completely historical;
- Over 900 new units, many of which are hired in their own AOR (Area of Recruitment);
- Redesigned gameplay and new army command capabilities, with special focus on:
new and historical battle unit formations;
a separate group of units for vanguard/rearguard and migration armies;
a larger number of defensive traps are available;
new combat unit adjustments and management such as hybrid weapons, various speed, charge and stealth;
- A huge package of scripts, below are just a few of them:
spawning of armies of four Huns and outlaws (Bagaudae) factions;
immortality of some important characters (limited to the date of the actual death of the character);
declaration of peace, war, vassalage (scripted events);
foederati pact between the WRE and the Visigoths;
the unification of the Western Empire by the usurper Magnus Maximus;
various rebellions/uprisings and other scripted historical events;
financial aid to AI factions during resettlement, scripted AI support for Roman factions;
revival and rebirth of 15 factions (during resettlement);
- The mod is optimized - shaders from Thrones of Britannia have been added, many vanilla game bugs have been fixed.


In order not to be unfounded, we asked some fans of the mod to give their description of the mod:

- The mod is aiming to give historical names and description for units of the late Roman Empire
- Gives unique appearance to all units added to the game, with a focus on maximum historicity
- Changes the starting positions for all factions
- Reworks the balance of the game towards historicity and playability
- And the main advantage of this mod is the huge number of historical units of different nationalities. The units look amazing!

- Scrupulous reconstruction of the appearance of historical units and soldiers, named legions and well-known federation and auxilia units.
- Redesigned formation system and the possibility of hybrid armament of units during the battle, where a competent choice of formation and squad control affect the the course of the battle.
- Excellent optimization that allows you to arrange massive battles of thousands of soldiers (Very well done!)
- Reworked recruiting system, that allows a more thoughtful and therefore more addictive gameplay.
- The vanguard scouting and pursuit system expands the strategy of warfare. (Intercept the enemy stack, or catch up with the defeated enemy with mounted scouts)

Major changes to the game are here
The main features of the new gameplay are here
Full description of the game rework here (more than 10 pages)

Answer to frequently asked questions:

- What is the start time of the game, what events will develop and why was this name chosen?

- The in-game campaign start year begins in the spring of 367 AD. This time, in our opinion, is the most interesting in terms of the richness of events that radically changed all of history. The main one is the invasion of the Hunnic hordes. It was the Huns who set in motion the period of migration of many barbarians into the territory of the Roman Empire. This event almost instantly forced a change in the policy of the Roman Empire, and subsequently led to the destruction of its western half. Many other kingdoms standing in the way of the Huns were much less fortunate. The largest barbarian kingdom in eastern Europe, the kingdom of the Goths, and some would say the empire of the Goths, was preparing for the fate of being completely exterminated by a much more frightening and cruel enemy than the Roman Empire. What will the Gothic leaders choose? Glorious death on the battlefield and extermination from the Huns, or slavery in the Roman Empire? In history, neither one nor the other happened, fate has given them a chance on a completely different path! After the death of the long-lived king Ermanaric, only a common leader could lead all the Goths! Athanaric, being the most powerful Judge (the highest title in Gothic society), more often called Judex Rex by the Romans, was obliged to become such a leader!
The game is designed to campaign for both parts of the Roman Empire and the Gothic kingdoms, who just like the romans are divided into Visigoths and Ostrogoths. The campaigns for the Roman Empires are considered very hard, but the Gothic campaign is much more difficult. The starting time of the campaign is no coincidence. At this time, the kingdom of the Visigoths, under the leadership of the Gothic Judge-Athanaric, using partisan tactics, manages to hold back the Roman army of Valens, who decided to end them once and for all. Athanaric's tactics were successful and Valens was forced to make peace with the Visigoths, but the peace did not last long. In 376, the more powerful kingdom of the Ostrogoths, under the leadership of Ermanaric, had already suffereda final defeat from the invading hordes of the Huns, and Athanaric with his Visigoths was left alone to face an impending avalanche and though he managed to hold it back for some time, it was only enough to retreat his people, including the elderly and children of the Visigoths and parts of the Ostrogoths, to the Roman borders. But even here, no better fate was waiting for them. Oppressed by the Romans, the Goths grab their arms and in 378 Emperor Valens, who gathered a large army, decides to finally put an end to the Visigoths. As Valens expected, the battle of Adrianople was decisive, but not for the Goths, but for the entire Roman Empire. The Battle of Adrianople is considered one of the turning points in European history, which changed the balance of power in favor of the Germanic peoples. The bonfires kindled by the Goths served as beacons - in search of a direction, for reinforcements of the cavalry. In time, the units arrived in time - the allied Visigoths cavalry, played a decisive role in this battle. Many historians disagree - who were the riders who arrived in time? Someone thinks that these were the allied Huns, someone attributes the miraculous salvation to the retreating parts of the Ostrogoths, but the question remains - where was the supreme and indestructible commander of all the Goths Athanaric at that time?
We will not answer this question, but have shown where, perhaps, to look for it.

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Developer team:
Atanarih (Russia) – head developer, historian, scripts, 3D modeler/texturer, artist, DB editor, text editor;
CJiaBa (Belarus) – 3D modeler/texturer, historical reconstruction;
Magnito (Russia) – historical assistant, translator, tester, text editor;
Papeion (Russia) – gameplay Assistant, DB editor

Special thanks to:
Tryggvi (Russia) – linguist of ancient Germanic and Gothic languages
[HAN]yk199810 (Китай) – Chinese translator
Soroush Torabi - for sharing the texture card_felte_A2_tint_diffuse
Varus PrimaRenatus – for historical counseling and advising
Romulus Battles – for the awesome cinematics and making the release video

Including other mods:
Animations: Return To Glory (Animations Mod) - Petro
Scripts: Region Trading - Hardballer
Blood: GBJ Blood Mod Attila - The Original
Civil War fix script - MAO GONG

Huge thanks to all the bloggers who made their great video reviews and walkthroughs using the mod in early access!

Special thanks to our sponsors and all those who supported and helped us in every possible way! Precisely thanks to you and your support Fireforged Empire became available for everyone!

Thanks to everyone who supported us!